Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back in California for my first mountain

Well, I'm back in California for a couple of days. We left Laredo, TX a couple of days ago and we're taking a load to Tracy, CA. So, after taking I-10 through West Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and into California, stopping at Morongo agian for their buffet, we jumped on I-5 heading North which gave me the chance to head down my first big mountain...the Grapevine. Couldn't take pictures on the way down, as I had plenty to keep me busy watching my speed, but I did get a few shots on the way up.


janea64 said...

Glad to hear you had some fresh fruit, since the other day the only vegetable you had was carrot cake!

I know you had broccoli yesterday. Good boy.

Forrest Egan said...

The fresh raspberries from Driscoll's were awesome! Don't forget, I had soup and salad bar the past two days. ;)